Services Available.
Writing Services.
Both the academic and professional services focus on writing (brainstorming, drafting, and revising). Writing is a recursive process and one that many of us do not practice regularly. Most of us don’t write perfect first or second or third drafts. Assistance with style, grammar, punctuation, flow, organization, and mechanics will be part of the writing services provided.
Academic Services.
•Medical School Application Components
•Medical Residency Application Components
•Medical Fellowship Application Components
Professional Services.
•Personal Statements
•Resumes/Curriculum Vitae
•Slide Decks
•Conference Presentations
•Cover Letters
Specifics About Provided Services.
Provide coaching and editing support on academic and medical program application materials
Read and review documents for spelling, grammar, punctuation, consistency in formatting, mechanics, and alignment with APA style (7th ed.) as appropriate
Suggest alternative words or phrases to guide clients on flow, sentence and paragraph structure, and organization of ideas
Present thorough feedback on areas that need attention and improvement
Provide feedback in PDF format indicating suggested revisions
Communicate to the client the timeframe for feedback return (and update the timeframe if there is an unavoidable delay on the consultant’s part)
Review documents multiple times as requested by the client with charges applying for each review
Assist in formatting documents in Microsoft Word (or other agreed upon programs) to meet requirements (e.g., university’s dissertation/thesis guidelines)
Editing can be done in Microsoft Word using track changes upon client’s request for client to review and accept
Services Not Provided.
Write content or ghost write for the client
Assess the validity of cited sources (will edit for citation style)
Check for plagiarism or AI or accept responsibility for plagiarism
Guarantee that the project will achieve the client’s goal (e.g., acceptance into a residency)
Accommodate poor planning of the client

Responsibilities of the Client.
Prior to sending documents for review, do due diligence (i.e., read, make changes, check for formatting)
Send supporting materials as requested by consultant (e.g., vita, programs applying to, areas applying to [i.e., pathology, EM, cytopathology fellowship, MCAT/STEP scores]) to assist in the review
Include areas of concern and questions you’d like the consultant to address
Provide the desired timeline for the return of documents
Prepare for consultation/coaching meetings in advance with questions and goals for the session
Notify consultant if a consultation meeting needs to be rescheduled (24-hours in advance if possible)